The Bodleian Library in Oxford

This week Kristjana and the team visited Oxford's Bodleian Library, one of the oldest libraries in the world and home to the many scholars who have passed through the world renowned Oxford University since it was established in the 11th Century. 

The Bodleian actually comprises 26 libraries across Oxford, and holds over 13 million manuscripts and archives, rare books, printed ephemera, maps and music as well as digitised collections that support the learning, teaching and research objectives of Oxford University.

Guided by the incredible Gillian Crockford, the KSW team discovered some of the secrets of the library, from the network of underground tunnels connecting the buildings, to  the private study rooms where King Charles I could read without his subjects knowing he was present.

Kristjana currently has work from her Between Two Wonderlands Collection on display and for sale in the Bodleian shop, celebrating the immortal story telling of Lewis Carroll who studied at Oxford a scholar and teacher. A further art collaboration is planned with the library, so watch this space for updates.